Friday, May 2, 2008

Yearbook Assignment

These are some of the pictures I've taken for the yearbook this past week.

"Senior Favorites":

Mr. Bigelow (US History) and Mrs. Barton (Multimedia)

Most likely to start a revolution

Most likely to succeed without trying

Most likely to brighten your day

"The Top Ten (by GPA)" Spread:

Kate, #9

Rob, #2

Phillip, #1


Caits said...

Great job Tyler...I LOVE that last photo- awesome.

Robert Lozano said...

yeah i'm really getting into photography. I really like your picture also. The one with phil looks really cool. But yeah, i'm working with a nikon D80. And yesterday i got photoshop cs3 extended. I'm so happy. It's amazing. still gotta get use to it though.

Robert Lozano said...

Hey, i don't know where else to write back. But yeah, i wasn't at prom so i thought i'd just go and take some pictures of my friend getting ready. My lens is... 18-135.
I think. Not sure.

Kara May said...

Love your work!! That locker post is way fun - eye candy!
Thanks for the blog post ;)