Thursday, April 1, 2010

a vigil for Jasmayne "Jasz" McCullough

Please read the story written by Ranger reporter Zahra Farah:

Music sophomore Hanna Carothers tapes a letter written in memory of Jasmayne "Jasz" McCullough during a vigil Monday sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Association at Dewey and Belknap Place. Carothers said she used to wrestle with McCullough, a student at the Gatway to College Progam at SAC, and she wanted a rematch after losing to McCullough in their final round. McCullough was shot to death at a party early Sunday.

Art freshman Joseph Picucci, Jasmine Culton and Victoria DeBenedictis, a student at the Gatway-to-College-Program at SAC, watch videos of Jasmayne "Jasz" McCullough during the vigil Monday.

Jasmine Culton relives memories to the laughter of friends during the vigil. McCullough was remembered for her ability to make others laugh and enjoy life.

Cat Jefferson grieves for her best friend.

Jasmine Culton and Sarah Crook address friends of Jasmayne "Jasz" McCullough. Culton, McCullough's best friend since the sixth grade.