Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rodeo 2009

I had a blast covering the rodeo for my first time last week! In between shooting my first photo story of interns who clean from midnight until six in the morning, I tried to capture some of the mood and flavor of the fair grounds. Prior to going, I knew I wanted to shoot the fair grounds at sunset, and maybe capture some romantic moments for a valentine's day feature. So I remembered a shot Lisa Krantz (SA express) took of two lovers on a ferris wheel and thought I might try something like it, something I never anticipated actually working out for me! I planned ahead and made sure to get in line behind a couple, hoping everything would fall into place. They faced the sunset (perfect), and I actually was placed in the carriage infront of them (no idea how), but this is what made my images! They never knew I was shooting them until afterwards, and they were totally fine with it. They even gave me their e-mail so I could mail the shots to them! :) Those pictures made my night.

Swine Racing

Kids cheer for their favorite pig, including Tony Porker and Shaquile O' Squeal

An oreo waited for the winning pig, although none wanted to eat it.

Swimming pig

Young and old enjoy the race

Sisters Ariel Keizman, 7, and Maya, 5, ride on the potato-sack slide on Friday, Feb 13.

Anna and Erin Franklin have fun on the Carousel.

Esteban Armenta and Jessica Clark ride on the ferris wheel at sunset on Friday, Feb 13. The two came to see the Goo Goo Dolls perform that night.

photos old and new

Here are some photos I took during St. Philip's College during Barack Obama's inauguration, but forgot to post. The once exclusively black and hispanic serving instution in San Antonio, St. Philip's College has represented the city's east side pride since 1901. New photos include assignments from this week.

Asst. professor of psychology Shirley Bass-Wright can't help but smile as Barack Obama takes the stage during the Inauguration Ceremony at St. Philips College on Tuesday, Jan. 20. Bass-Wright said her great joy is for her 89 year-old father Garland Bass being able to witness the achievment of African Americans and for being in the presence of such a diverse community.

Sonography sophomore Connie Wilson wipes tears from her eyes while praying during Dr. Rick Warren's National Invocation at thInauguration Ceremony at St. Philips College on Tuesday, Jan. 20. Inspired by Barack Obama's message of hope and equality for all, Wilson said her tears of joy were shared by all minorities.

Obama supporters jump to their feet and scream after Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States during the Inauguration Ceremony at St. Philips College on Tuesday, Jan. 20.

Architecture freshman and Korean international student Sanjin Ha plays ping pong against education sophomore Eleazar Galinob during the Ping Pong Tournement sponsored by Student Life on Tuesday, Feb 10. Ha defeated Galindo 2-0.

Slain Monarch drummer Alton Jenkins performs live with his band at the KSYM studio in the Radio Telivision Film building on Monday, Feb 9. The alternative instrumental band of three includes liberal arts sophomore and bassist Ben Cardenas, and guitarist Rick Cantu. Cantu writes the music, calling it an "avongaurd instrumental fusion," with the hope to "spark a change in the minds of listeners." It was the band's first time being played on the radio.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Breakfast on Monday

I've felt compelled to take more pictures of my family life after viewing old slide shows of my parents taken by my grandfather. Pop Ralph always had the camera with him, recording his growing family, friends, and life.
There is more to life than news pictures. After spending so much time recording the lives of others, you almost forget to capture the moments of your own with equal fidelity. I want to have my camera by my side for these moments, the family meals together, the exciting in-home spurs games, all the simple traditions and ups and downs of life in the home and with family, so the next generation may grasp a sense of my life and family and value their own.

Oatmeal - Dad's favorite

Mom's famous eggs

More to come on a weekly basis, whenever I get the chance!